Here’s my problem: I want to start blogging again. And one would think, what better place to do it than here, in this corner of my website labelled “Blog”.
Except–the kind of blogging I want to start again has little to do with writing or editing or process or revision. Except, of course, when it does. Which is when that thing in front of me, the whatever must be expressed that day, just happens to concern the written word.
Am I making any sense?
Do I really care?
What I miss about blogging, about the kind of blogging we used to do before we got concerned about stats and monetization (have I said all this before? because it feels very familiar…)–. Sometimes we wrote about what we ate for lunch, and sometimes we wrote about the state of our union (if we had one) that day. When I say ‘we’, I mean ‘I’, of course. Sometimes we/I ranted and sometimes we/I moaned.
All of those posts existed at some point in the MidLifeBloggers archive. However, the MidLifeBloggers archive no longer exists. Therefore, my pearls, those gems of my mind for the years ’05-’15 are lost forever.
Do I care?
Not really. And that’s something I want to blog about, why I don’t care–or, to be specific, what it is I don’t care about.
Oh, wait! I just went back a mere six months and lookie what I found: . This is what I said before that feels very familiar–to quote myself back at the beginning of this post. So read that, and add it to this–and then we’ll see if I’m any better at fulfilling my urge this time.